A little cup of encouragement…

I saw a post a couple of days ago about “fauxtographers” where the photographer discussed the rise of these inexperienced photographers: people who just decide one day they want to be a photographer with absolutely no knowledge of their camera outside the “auto” mode, no knowledge of photoshop, etc.  The photographer went on to say that he used to be one.  I had to chuckle because I had been tossing the idea around in my head about a blog post, not about fauxtographers, but rather about not giving up on your passion.

We all start somewhere. 

I started my business after my oldest daughter Genesis was born on March 3, 2012.  Prior to having Genesis, I had worked at two large photography companies, photographing well over 3,000 sessions.  Before that, I received my degree: a Bachelor of Fine Arts with a concentration in photography and computer digital imagery.

All this being said, the last four years has been a huge period of growth for me.

Here are just a few examples: 2016-05-06_0002 copyFall 2012 vs Fall 2015

2016-05-06_0003 copyFall 2012 vs Fall 2015

2016-05-06_0005 copyAugust 2012 vs February 2016

2016-05-06_0006 copyMay 2012 vs April 2016

2016-05-06_0007 March 2013 vs June 2015

2016-05-06_0008 copy August 2012 vs Fall 2015

2016-05-06_0004 copyMay 2012 vs April 2016 (these two are brother and sister ❤ )

I am still learning and growing in my profession.  But I wanted to take a few minutes to offer up some encouragement to any up and coming photographers. If you love what you do, don’t give up.  Take each experience as a learning opportunity.  I am seriously my own worst critic!  Even after this growth, I still think to myself after a session: “I should have done this pose” or “I should have turned her a little bit more this way”.  This is how you learn.

If I can be an encouragement to you, feel free to reach out to me.  And remember, as creatives, there is no right or wrong.  (This is still something I struggle with!)

And a huge thanks to all of my clients over the years who have stuck with me as I’ve grown.  I appreciate each and every one of you!

❤ ❤ ❤
